

Liaison’s BioMedCAS™ Doubles Membership in its Third Cycle

Centralized Application Service (CAS™) optimizes admissions process and boosts application growth, application completion rates and gender parity in student populations

Liaison International, the leader in admissions management and enrollment marketing solutions for higher education, today provided details about the robust third-cycle growth of BioMedCAS™, the Centralized Application Service (CAS™) for biomedical science programs.

Launched in July 2017, BioMedCAS was developed by Liaison in partnership with biomedical science program directors. BioMedCAS brings admissions offices an improved way to recruit, enroll and admit best-fit students while saving money and better allocating staff resources each admissions cycle. Participation is restricted to institutions that offer one or more PhDs in biomedical sciences, but participants may accept research master’s applications through BioMedCAS. Read more…

JULY 2019

In the Cutting-edge Biomedical Sciences Field, BioMedCAS Drives an Admissions Revolution

It’s an exciting time in the biomedical sciences, with the recent 2019 Pew annual meeting revealing biomedical researchers’ cutting-edge explorations of new approaches to flu, cancer and cell division. In the quest to cure disease and enhance human health, the biomedical sciences sector appears to be on the cusp of a golden age.

At the same time, the field’s progress hinges on the success of the academic programs which produce the next generation of biomedical sciences researchers — and those programs, particularly their admissions offices, are facing unprecedented pressure due to more competition for applicants. Read more…


University of Miami Saves Time and Reinvests Limited Admissions Resources with BioMedCAS™

When the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine was looking to upgrade its homegrown biomedical science application review and processing system, they started and ended their search with Liaison’s Centralized Application Service (CAS™) for biomedical science programs (BioMedCAS™). The University was familiar with the CAS technology and services thanks to its six years of experience with SOPHAS™, the CAS for schools and programs of public health. “Once BioMedCAS was launched, we knew we wanted to join right away because of how streamlined our admissions process became with SOPHAS,” Associate Director of the Office of Graduate Studies Matthew Brandon explained. Read more…


Addressing Biomedical Programs’ Unique Admissions Challenges

Graduate biomedical programs have distinct needs when it comes to admissions. Yet, often operating under the umbrella of a larger department or organization, admissions staff are frequently forced to make do with application systems that aren’t designed to accommodate these needs. Read more…


Albert Einstein College of Medicine Streamlines Application Review with BioMedCAS™

When Salvatore Calabro, director of graduate admissions and enrollment for graduate programs in the biomedical sciences at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, found out that Liaison was considering launching a Centralized Application Service (CAS™) for biomedical sciences programs, he saw it as an opportunity for his institution to improve the admissions process for everyone involved. “With our previous admissions solution, there were some limitations as far as functionality and ease of use for the applicants, admissions staff and the faculty.” Read more…

Weill Cornell Medicine streamlines admissions processes and sees sustained 10-12% growth in applicants

Weill Cornell planned to implement UniCAS for two Ph.D. program applications in its initial year working with Liaison. The implementation went so smoothly that the School ended up using UniCAS to process applications for four Health Policy and Research master’s programs as well, and later switched to BioMedCAS for its Ph.D. programs. Read more…



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